Concierge Well-Woman services are offered for the essentially healthy woman, in the comfort of your home with a chaperone or family present as desired. Education and lab work tailored to your needs and concerns. Complete, relevant, objective information is given in a non-authoritarian and supportive manner.
Midwifery Services include routine well-woman care. Midwifery services scope of practice excludes care for children or men, and acute care or preexisting conditions. Licensed midwives (LM, CPMs) do not administer vaccines or write prescriptions for medicines or antibiotics. If these services are requested or required or if the condition deviates from normal, referral to another health care professional will be initiated.
Well-Woman Care: Includes physical exam, lab work, mental and emotional health evaluation, cycle health evaluation, and basic nutritional counseling. Health journal handout and health history completed before the visit and reviewed with the client. Visit recommended every one to three years.
Preconception Well-Woman Care: Includes well-woman care visit with emphasis on preconception/fertility counseling.
During the Well-Woman Care Visit:
Physical exam including blood pressure and other vitals. Auscultation of heart and lungs, assessment of major organ systems. Health history reviewed. Optional breast exam and breast health education. Pelvic exam offered.
Lab Work – lab tests personalized to your health history and concerns; choose what tests you desire to have done and decline what you do not feel is needed. Blood draw done during your visit or lab req given prior to the visit for a blood draw at a lab close to your home. Results discussed at your visit or follow-up phone call. Second follow-up visit available.
- Complete Blood Count including hemoglobin to check for anemia.
- HA1C for evaluating blood glucose levels and prediabetes.
- Thyroid Panel – if symptoms are present or family history.
- Vit D – to evaluate adequate levels for physical, emotional, and mental health.
- Infectious disease screening and counseling: pap smear/HPV and STI testing, prevention, and education from a Christian perspective. Testing is offered according to the standard of care. Declining a pap smear/HPV testing or STI test is reasonable if the client feels there are no risk factors present. Education regarding risk factors and prevention for STIs and HPV will be covered.
- Routine and acute urinalysis testing/test of cure available.
- MTHFR, fertility/genetic testing, pregnancy testing if desired.
Nutritional Counseling, Activity, and Lifestyle Evaluation for health and well-being.
Mental and Emotional Health Evaluation including stressors, anxiety, and depression screening.